Surgery to spay or neuter your pet carries a one-time cost that is relatively small when one considers its benefits. It’s a small price to pay for the health of your pet. The following organizations offer low(er) cost spay and neuter services to Kansas City area pets:
Pet Resource Center of Kansas City
1116 E 59th St, Kansas City, MO 64110
Great Plains SPCA
5428 Antioch Drive, Merriam, KS 66202
816-333-PETS (7387)
The Humane Society of Greater KC
5445 Parallel Pkwy, Kansas City, KS 66104
IF YOU ARE A 501(C) (3) ORGANIZATION you may apply for a grant, to be used for neuter/spay services only, through the Truman Heartland Community Foundation. Please contact Liz McClure at (816) 836-8189 or through the website: THCF.org